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Writing Exercise 18

                Write about your favorite/ least favorite restaurant or meeting place. What is their specialty? Why do you go/not go there? Is it the food or drink? The service? The atmosphere? Any special memories about the place? How long have you been a customer?

Considering the sky,

I can see why The trees welcome A little rain for some Time. The seasons turn And we continue to learn From the flower’s bloom That we can bring into the room And the fresh smells That odors repels And pleasant sounds Almost pounds At the eardrum’s lobes To rock in strobes The atmospheres From…

Poetry Is…25

            Poetry can be dramatic and greatly exaggerated. It often takes the tone of a fairy-tale or make-believe. A good poem is also a good story full of emotion. The qualities of love & tenderness are felt in a good poem, with perhaps a sense of humor as well. A good poem is an important…

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